My travel Inspiration
There has always been a soft heart in my heart for my “Auntie Pat.” As long as I can remember, she has loved, cared for, and protected me.
From a very young age, Auntie Pat has inspired me, because she has always been energetic, open-minded, a lover of life, and someone who works hard to make it happen for herself. She sees no barriers, but embraces life to the fullest and is very determined. Because of this she has been a real inspiration to me, and my mentor.
She has zeal for travelling the world, and I can still recall bits and pieces of her travel adventures she shared with me as a child. I was always impressed with the art work from parts of the world I had only read about at that point. I also specifically remember saying to her
“I want to be just like you.”
Although most of her accomplishments inspired me to do great things in life, her travel log was the one I was most impressed with.
Recently I spoke with her about traveling; because by this point I had traveled to a few places and could hold a conversation about the similarities, likes and dislikes of the various countries we had both visited.
I was also seeking advice from her on where next to visit. Below are bits and pieces of our conversation
Q. What inspired you to travel?
Q. What is the one thing you look forward to when in a new country?
Q. List the countries you’ve traveled to. (in order of visits)
• UK
• Canada
• Greece…had a pen pal there spent a week and his handsome older brother showed me the islands. I also saw Jim Brown on the Galaxy Club Stop at the Athens Hilton…we were the only black people there!!
• Italy
• France
• Kenya
• Egypt
• Brazil
• Peru
• Panama
oooh…in between all of this… the Caribbean….almost all of the big ones and a few small ones, e.g., St. Kitts and Anguilla & the Grenadines
• Guyana
• Ireland
• Australia
• India
• China
• Tibet
• Estonia
• Norway
• South Africa (3 times and I am ready to go again)
• Haiti
• Cayman
• Bahamas
• Cuba….another favorite
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Q. What is your favorite country to visit. And why
“Wow…Indescribable !!! there is so much to see and do. So far on each of the 3 trips I have revisited sites, such as
Table Mountain…Robben Island and Zulu Land. (actually, I think I am of Zulu ancestry!!)” show_quote_icon=”yes” text_color=”#424482″ background_color=”#e2e2e2″ quote_icon_color=”#ceb42f”]
As you can see it’s quiet easy for me to be inspired by this woman.
It’s no wonder Pat Pessoa owns a travel agency – ATLAS Travels, in Kingston Jamaica, sending people all over the world. Her love for travel continues to inspire me tremendously; and in her everyday life she inspires everyone else to make the world their Oyster.
Below are just a few photos from her past trips